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little dreamers baby sleep co

Helping families to see the light at the end of the tunnel

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About little dreamers baby sleep co

As a Mother of 3 young children, I remember that overwhelming feeling of ‘what will happen tonight’. I became so exhausted with my first born and every article or book that I read, gave me something else to try to get my baby to sleep better.

I decided I needed to get some help, so I reached out for support from a wonderful Sleep Consultant and what I learnt changed our lives in so many ways. It didn’t take long and we had a baby who loved to sleep which meant once again I could smile and really enjoy life with my family. Sleep then became my passion. 

Two more children followed, lots of advice has been given to family and friends and here we are. Now a Certified Baby and Child Sleep Consultant - I find it extremely rewarding to give families the knowledge and confidence they need to help their baby sleep better. I am now determined to help other sleep-deprived families achieve the same life changing results.

I am also very passionate about the Fourth Trimester and the importance of your new baby adjusting to life in their new world outside of your womb. I love showing a new Mum how to settle her precious new baby to sleep. 

My packages include phone and email consultations, in-home consultations for Geelong/Ballarat and surrounding area’s and overnight stays. All packages will include a tailored sleep assessment and ongoing support. My methods and techniques will give you the confidence you need to help your baby to feel safe and settled. Sometimes all it takes is a little tweaking of what you’re already doing to see huge improvements. Once you book your preferred package I will be in contact. So please don’t doubt yourself, you can get the sleep you deserve and I’d love to help you get there,



little dreamers baby sleep co services

little dreamers baby sleep co has earned its positive reputation because we go out of our way to provide truly exceptional service to each of our customers. We understand that your needs can change last minute, and we’re ready to adapt our services quickly to ensure your success. Read on to learn more about what we can do for you.


Online Consultation


After completing an intake form I will provide you with a  fully customised sleep plan for your child. Your plan will cover topics such as safe sleeping practices, sleep environment, age appropriate routines and a choice of settling techniques. Also included is ongoing

email/text support to help you manage your new plan and reach your desired goals. 

All packages available for siblings-$50 additional


Phone Consultation


This package includes a 1 hour phone consultation after completing an intake form. You will then receive a fully customised sleep plan for your child via email which will cover topics including safe settling practices, sleep environment,  settling techniques to choose from  and an age appropriate routine. Also included is 2 additional 15 minute calls and ongoing email support to help you reach your desired goals.


Mother's Group Session $300

We all know the number one topic at our Mother's Group catch ups are sleep. I now offer a group session and over 2 hours we will cover things such as routines, sleep environment and settling techniques that are appropriate for the age of your babies-also leaving plenty of time for questions. The session can be held at a home/park or a cafe in Geelong or Ballarat. Whilst the session won't be individualised, for anybody that books a tailored Sleep Package in the following month their Mothers Group fee will be deducted from their booking. Max 10 adults and available on Tues, Sat or Sunday. Conditions apply


Getting Ready for Baby $95

When we’re expecting our first baby-we book into the Hospital, we go to our Birthing Classes, we buy nappies and we think we’re prepared. Truth is, nothing can prepare us for the arrival of our first child- but the Fourth Trimester really can be the most special time. I am very aware that each baby is different-this online package will provide you with some tools to have a  settled baby, not one who will sleep through by 6 weeks. I will let you know the things that I think you need when you bring your baby home, that may help you get through these weeks a little easier. By no means will we be sleep coaching your baby, but a baby who has a good sleep environment will adjust to their new world beautifully. Perfect for Baby Shower gifts

In-home Consultation
2 hours $280

All in-home packages include a nursery analysis,  a fully customised sleep plan for your child with hands-on instructions, plus ongoing support via phone/text/email in order to reach your desired goals. 

4 hours 6-10pm 350

Overnight 6pm-6am $850

*Only available in Geelong and surrounding areas, unless via prior arrangement.Travel costs will apply for areas other than Geelong.


"I just wanted to say a huge thank you. Even at day care she is kicking goals. Sleep deprivation is no joke, you have saved my sanity."

Montana – Mother of 8 month old

"I've just had 11 months of a baby that has never slept for longer than 2 hours at a time. Within a week your advice has meant he is now sleeping 12 hours straight and we don't know ourselves."

Sarah – Mother of 11 month old

"My son was waking between 2 and 5 times a night. We contacted Rhian and followed her sleep plan and by the third night he was sleeping 7-7. We couldn't be happier and couldn't thank Rhian enough for all her advice. Would highly recommend."

Jenna – Mother of 2 1/2 year old


Rhian Thorley

0410 409 587

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